
Individual and group travel notes of Yunnan and Hainan on the 15th

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Published on December 20, 2014 11:44

Individual and group travel notes of Yunnan and Hainan on the 15th

1、 Preface:

In order to make all the tourists who sign up for the 10 day tour in Yunnan and the 5-Day Tour in Hainan have a clear idea of their whole itinerary, my travel notes are a little wordy, I'm afraid you can't understand them. I hope that by looking at my travel notes, I can provide some help for you in your travel, and then I can achieve my purpose of writing travel notes. I'm quite satisfied with this tour. Have a good time.

2、 Travel notes:

My daughter-in-law and I signed up for the 15 day individual and group tour of Yunnan and Hainan in our hometown Qiqihar Shuangfeng travel agency. Wang Zhi, the head of the travel agency, warmly received us, and then singled out the 15 day tour of Yunnan and Hainan for us to watch in detail. From the 15 day trip, there are only daily tourist attractions, no shopping time and place. Of course, shopping is a must for the group we sign up for. This is naturally clear in our hearts. Registration fee: 3480 yuan per person. The specific travel time is from November 16 to November 30, 2014. Specifically speaking, the 10 day tour in Yunnan and the 5-Day Tour in Hainan are combined to become the 15 day tour in Yunnan and Hainan. The travel time informed by the travel agency is: gather at the information office on the second floor of Harbin airport at 13:55 on November 16.

November 16, 2014

As required, we set out from home by train on the morning of November 16 and arrived at Harbin railway station at 11:37. Find a hotel near the station. After lunch, take the airport bus to the airport at 12:35. Ticket: 20 yuan per person. At 13:25, we arrived at the designated place of Harbin Taiping International Airport and found Xiao Li, who received us from the travel agency. He sent everyone a "Notice of individual travel". The main contents of the notice include some matters needing attention in this tour, the departure and arrival time of the plane, the contact person, mobile phone and pick-up method when we arrived in Kunming and Hainan. Finally, tell us what window to pick up the boarding pass by ourselves.

Harbin Taiping International Airport

Hangzhou Airport

All passengers get off the plane. We boarded again at 19:50, took off at 20:30, and finally arrived at Kunming airport at 23:30. At the airport, we found the pick-up staff of the travel agency, got on the shuttle bus at 0:25, and arrived at Shenghua hotel at 0:40.

(Shenghua Hotel)

Hotel room

This is a local three-star hotel (equivalent to our two-star hotel). It has a 24 inch TV, no cable TV, just like a big pot. It has a bathroom, shower, washing things, a quick pot and two single beds.

November 17, 2014

Get up at 6:30, pack up all your belongings, take them with you, and go to the downstairs bar to hand in the room card and check out by yourself. Breakfast at 7:00 in the hotel, 5 yuan standard, an egg, steamed bread, rice porridge, mustard. Eat anything except eggs. At 7:45, we got on the bus in front of the hotel. There were 31 people in our tour group. Guide Yang led us to start the day's tour. Today, Tiangong is not beautiful. It began to rain at 9 a.m. and arrived at the first scenic spot: Jiuxiang Cave at 11:10.

In front of Jiuxiang Cave

Ticket Office

Mengcui Gorge

In the cave

Jiuxiang stone Museum

Male and female waterfall

Theatrical performances

(if you travel by yourself, ticket price: 105 yuan). First eat lunch, ten dishes and one soup, ten yuan per person. Rice is not as delicious as rice in Northeast China, but rice is enough. The tour time is 120 minutes.

After entering the gate of the scenic spot, you should first take the elevator to the bottom of the mountain, and then take a boat. Each boat takes 10 people to visit mengcui gorge, Shentian gorge, jinghun gorge and bisexual waterfall. The round trip time is only about 10 minutes. After getting off the ship, you can walk a long way to the cave. Jiuxiang Cave group can be called a wonder in the world, such as the shape of the Underground Grand Canyon, which is a rare underground cave wonder in the world. The canyon is still more than 100 meters deep. The two walls of the canyon are like cutting, and the water at the bottom of the canyon beats the rock. The sound is like thunder. The sightseeing plank road passes along the middle of the canyon, which gives people a huge shock. Jiuxiang karst cave community is full of infinite beauty and charm. It meanders from one cave to another and hovers from one cave to another, revealing a series of incredible geological structure characteristics and amazing strange landscape. The natural landscape in the karst cave is very beautiful. Each scenic spot is very high, and the stair stool is very steep. It's very tired to go up. There's no way. Since you come to travel, you have to see it. I watched a program in the cave for 10 minutes. At 14:35, I left Jiuxiang Cave by bus. I always feel that the time for this scenic spot is still a little short. I've been looking at my watch to catch up with the time. When you come out of the cave and take a cableway, the cableway is very simple. It's an ordinary wooden bench with a horizontal bar on the top and a short horizontal bar on the bottom. You don't feel safe. The cableway is running fast, slow and a little shaking. The deepest part is a mountain stream of more than 100 meters. You can only describe it with fright during the 8-minute operation. At 15:25, I came to the second scenic spot: Stone Forest. Tour time: 120 minutes. Each person must take a battery car to the scenic spot, and pay 25 yuan at his own expense. Stone forest, as the name suggests, is a variety of stones as the main attractions, known as "the world's first wonder", "Stone Forest Museum" reputation, is the first batch of China's national key scenic spots, here: Qifeng strange stone, flat up. Some stand as tall as a forest, some are as steep as a wall. Some stone peaks are as high as thirty or forty meters, while others are only a few meters high. The scenic area is vast and magnificent, with steep cliffs, rocky peaks, beautiful lakes, grotesque caves, and spectacular waterfalls. In addition, the uncanny combination of rock shapes in nature has various forms of scenery. It looks like a thousand troops, like a stone castle, like birds and animals, like all things in the world, lifelike and lifelike.

Main entrance of Shilin scenic spot

This is the sign of Shilin scenic spot, and it is also the pattern of Shilin smoke. There are the most people taking photos here. There is no way to take photos. The time is really limited

Touching this stone means good luck.

Souvenir: Handbag

Bamboo forest

Guide Yang and my wife

At 17:38, get on the coach and leave Shilin. At 18:10, arrive at Shilin Longlin Hotel and have a rest.

November 18, 2014

Take the coach at 7:40 and arrive at the national 4A scenic spot: Yunnan Ethnic Village at 9:50 to visit the jade museum all over the world. It's shopping, mainly jadeite and all kinds of jade《 Plant essential oil Museum. It is mainly a variety of essential oils. The shopping guide explains the characteristics of essential oil and the principle of moisturizing skin, and gives visitors the experience of applying essential oil on their faces and hands.

The largest jade Avalokitesvara in China

Shopping malls, luxury decoration.

At 11:40, I went to "ethnic restaurant" to eat Qiaomi noodles, and each person paid 20 yuan for the meal. This rice noodle is very special. There are 13 small dishes, such as chicken thigh, quail egg, mustard and so on. It tastes good when added to the rice noodle.

This is Guoqiao rice noodles

Visit Yi and Bai villages at 12:10.

Dog in the zodiac

Tiger in the zodiac

Yi village house

Bai village

Dali's san dao cha is quite famous in Yunnan.

Haike Shrine

13:00 by coach: "Colorful Yunnan", is a shopping center. Arrive at the "Chinese tea ceremony culture park" at 14 o'clock, go to a lecture room and taste all kinds of tea, that is to sell tea for you to buy.

Then, go to the jade family hall to watch the movie "king of jade" for 6 minutes. Free at 15:50. We strolled around Colorful Yunnan, feicui Art Museum, Yunnan famous Medicine Museum, Peacock Garden, arts and Crafts Museum, ethnic silver Museum, local specialty Museum, etc.

To get in here, you need to pay extra for tickets.

At the main gate of Colorful Yunnan, tourists come here for shopping.

At 17:50, I went to Kunming by coach for dinner.

Take the coach to Kunming railway station at 20:20. Taking the 22:06 Kunming Dali (express) train, we took a hard sleeper. Today, there are no scenic spots to visit all day, just shopping.

November 19, 2014

Arrive at Dali Railway Station at 6:10. The staff of the travel agency picked us up and sent us to Jinhui holiday hotel for dinner at 6:40. We formed a tour group again in Dali, with 34 people, led by Peng. Then, take the coach to the first scenic spot at 8:10: Dali ancient city. To get into the city, you need to take a battery car, and each person should pay 35 yuan at his own expense. Dali ancient city is adjacent to Erhai Lake in the East and Cangshan Mountain in the West. The city has magnificent buildings and beautiful scenery. There are five streets running from south to North in the city and eight streets running from west to East. The shops are one after another. When we went there, most of the shops were not in business. The East-West Huguo road in the ancient city is known as "Foreigner Street". One after another, there are Chinese and Western restaurants, cafes, teahouses and handicraft shops here. Signs and advertisements are mostly written in foreign languages, which attract "foreigners" with blond hair and blue eyes. They linger here, looking for the ancient oriental charm, and gradually become a unique landscape. Get on the coach and leave the ancient city at 9:30

Tour guide of Dali ancient city

Arrive at the second scenic spot at 9:40: the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng temple, which is one of the oldest and most magnificent buildings in southern China. In particular, Qianxun tower, the main tower, has been standing between Cangshan and Erhai for more than 1200 years. During this period, we have experienced more than 30 earthquakes with available data, and even "the great earthquake in which almost all houses in the ancient city of Dali collapsed". The three towers still stand on the land of Dali, becoming the perfect scenery of "Yongzhen mountains and rivers" and the pride of Dali people.

At 11:25, take the coach to the Bai qinxiangyuan hotel for dinner,

At 11:50, take the coach to the third scenic spot: butterfly spring. Butterfly spring, it is like a transparent gem, inlaid in the shade, with its unique spectacle, attracting tourists from far and near. Butterfly spring area of more than 50 square meters, for the square spring pool. The spring water is as clear as a mirror. The bottom of the spring comes out, and the edge of the spring is covered with shade. There is a tall ancient tree lying on the spring, which is called "butterfly tree".

In front of butterfly spring

Lover's Road

Love tree

Sweetheart Tree

Beside butterfly spring

Butterfly spring water outlet

At 13 o'clock, I went to Erhai by the boat "Universiade" and began to visit Erhai. The casual seats on the deck of the cruise ship can be taken at will. As long as you leave, others can take them. If you have a fixed seat, you need to spend another 40 yuan to buy one for you to drink tea. At 13:50, I got off the boat and went to a small island. I was given 50 minutes to watch a show of ethnic minorities for free. During the program, the staff served us tea, the first was bitter tea, the second was sweet tea, and the third was aftertaste tea. Sell tea after tasting. Get off the ship at 15:55,

The Dayun we are on

On the island

On the island

Watching the program on the "Universiade"

Take a coach to Huairen hotel for dinner,

Check in at Shunxing hotel at 17:10.

November 20, 2014

Take the coach at 7:45 and arrive at the shopping place of "piluoge jade Museum" on March street of Dali at 9:10, mainly including jadeite, jade, silver jewelry, etc.

At 11:50, I went shopping in the eighteen Mile Shop, mainly engaged in silver jewelry. Silver jewelry issued by international silver craftsmen is the most expensive, 32.8 yuan per gram. Other silver ornaments are between 23 and 28 yuan.


Have lunch at 12:50, get on the coach at 13:15 and arrive at Lijiang Longfeng hotel at 17:50.

Put the bags in the hotel and go to Lijiang ancient city with the guide at 18:10. After we arrived in Lijiang, we formed a tour group again, with a total of 34 people

Old Town of Lijiang

The first stop to Lijiang: the old house tea house is to sell tea.

The second stop: Dongba yak meat, or let you buy yak meat, 120 yuan per catty, and then start free.

Sifang street of Lijiang ancient city

We chose Yipintianxia for dinner. I ordered several local specialties: basket meat, fried fish, prawns, mushroom soup, rolls, and fried dumplings.

The ancient city is the best in the world

Shunxing Hotel

November 21, 2014

Take the coach at 7:40 and arrive at China Hong Kong Flower City at 8:10. The place for shopping is the sea of flowers.

China Hong Kong Flower City

Here are real flowers, a bunch of flowers from dozens of yuan - hundreds of yuan

You can get on the tour bus at 9:35 and get to the first scenic spot at 10:10: Dongba Grand Canyon (at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain). There is no place to play. You can only take photos at the foot of the mountain or take photos on horseback. The cost is 30 yuan

Dongba Grand Canyon: at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain (altitude: 5596m)

The little piece of white on the top of the mountain is snow. It's very strange to see snow here.

Get on the coach at 10:35 and get to the second scenic spot: Shuhe ancient town at 10:50. Entering Shuhe village, you can directly reach Shuhe central market. This is a square similar to Sifang street in Dayan Town, covering an area of about 250 square meters. It is also called Shuhe Sifang street. It is very busy in the market days. It used to be the distribution center of fur trade in Lijiang. The square is surrounded by shops. First of all, the guide takes us to the ancient road collector, the place where Tibetan doctors see and sell medicine for you. It's free to see a doctor here, but it's very expensive for you to buy their medicine. I suggest: tourists do not go in to see, we go in the number, listen to others to see a doctor, it is not our turn, the time has passed 30 minutes, only 50 minutes to play here, and then wait, you do not have to visit the ancient town. So, we left immediately and went to visit the ancient town in a hurry. The time was too short to see a few places at all.

Shuhe ancient town

Sifang street, Shuhe ancient town

I get on the tour bus at 11:50 and arrive at the third scenic spot: Heilongtan Park at 12:10. It's very tight to take photos for 10 minutes.

Heilongtan Park

I'll have lunch in the hotel at 12:50,

He left at 13:10, ending the whole journey of Lijiang. Arrive at Dali at 15:55《 Fine arts and crafts exhibition hall,

Leave at 16:30 and have dinner at Daguan hotel at 17:00,

Arrive at Dali Railway Station at 17:40. Dali Kunming, 21:23 driving, hard sleeper.

November 22, 2014

Arrive at Kunming railway station at 5:00, pick up the small passenger at 6:30, arrive at Kunming Tianshui International Airport at 7:15, Kunming Xishuangbanna, take off at 8:25, arrive at Xishuangbanna airport at 9:30, guide Zhou drives Santana to pick up the station, and take us to Huaxin hotel at 10:00,

After we put the things in the hotel, we got on the car, picked up two tourists from another hotel, and formed a group of four of us in Banna. Arrive at the first scenic spot at 10:40: Wild Elephant Valley. There are no wild elephants in today's (Wild Elephant Valley). Here we mainly ride elephants, watch elephant performances, watch the special performance of elephants at 11:50, interact with beauties, shake hoops, shoot football, etc,

It's almost summer here.

Interactive performance between elephants and beautiful tourists. Kiss

The elephant is rocking around

The elephant stood on the iron stool with four feet off the ground




In the butterfly garden

In the butterfly garden

In the butterfly garden

Lotus Pond

Bird of Paradise

Parrots, you can also take pictures with parrots.

We left at 13:30 and arrived at 14:00 at the shopping place of Jinxin geology, mineral and jewelry. General manager Jiang Zhiquan warmly received us. The jade here is cheaper than other places.

At 15 o'clock, we went to the shopping place of Sansheng tea. According to the arrangement of the tour guide, there are also two items: one is to take a boat tour of the Mekong River, and watch the human demon performance on the boat at 200 yuan per person at his own expense; the other is to watch the ethnic minority art party at night, which can interact with each other at 220 yuan per person at his own expense. The tour guide urged us to watch it, but we didn't sign up for it. We were sent back to the hotel at 15:40, ending the day's journey. In the evening, we went out to eat at Haowei restaurant near the hotel.

November 23, 2014

Get on the car at 7:20, and go to the first scenic spot at 8:00: Dai village. Learn about Dai culture. There are not many bamboo buildings on the first floor, but people live on the second floor. Now there are not many bamboo buildings. Many of them have built two-story foreign buildings. The custom of Dai people is to marry an uncle (that is, to cut in the door upside down). Women work, work and earn money outside, and men eat, drink and play at home. Finally, the Dai tour guide in her home, to our sales of silver jewelry (or shopping), our group has more than 10 people, bought some silver jewelry. My daughter-in-law did not resist the deception and bought a silver bracelet: 734 yuan.

Dai Village

Dai People's present buildings

There are bananas wrapped in plastic cloth in the field

Dai's old house

The old house is on the first floor

The second floor of the old house

The local guide ended up selling silver jewelry at home

Get on the bus at 9:40 and get to the second scenic spot at 10:15: Hani Cultural Park. The tour guide explained Hani's history and culture to us, visited (Cultural Park), and then went up (nannuo mountain) with stair stools, mainly to see the Pu'er tea tree, which is generally 5-8 meters high and grows naturally. One of the oldest Pu'er tea trees has more than 800 years. Pu'er tea is divided into Qiaoba and guanba. Qiaoba Pu'er tea is more expensive than guanba Pu'er tea. To come down from the mountain to taste tea is to sell tea.

In the exhibition hall

Tourists dance with Hani people

Go up the mountain from here

Inscription of Zhao Puchu

More than 800 years of Pu'er trees

Lunch at 12:40,

Get on the car at 13:10, and arrive at the third stop at 13:50: "Ruinan Eden Jade House" shopping. There are 120 million diamond emerald necklaces and 23 million emerald bracelets.

120 million Necklace

23 million jadeite Bracelets

14:30 to the fourth site: "three treasure source" jewelry shop shopping.

The rubber tree is picking up the rubber

We had pineapples

Electric vehicles for tourism in the park

There are no flowers here in our hometown. There are many different flowers, each of which makes up a colorful world: tall palm trees, white lotus flowers, auspicious and peaceful Anthurium andraeanum, beautiful Plumeria, red Bauhinia, jubilant firecracker flowers, peacock like triangle coconut, It's like the cherry blossom of a butterfly, the paradise bird of a bird, the triangle plum of a leaf, the dancing dancing dancing grass, the shy tree and the shy grass, the magic rain tree, the old cycadium fern, the sugar Brown of sugar production, the Dong Brown of rice production, and all kinds of Mangoes... It should be a feast for the eyes. Back to the hotel at 17:10.

November 24, 2014

At 7:15, the guide picked us up at the hotel and arrived at Banna airport at 7:30.

Xishuangbanna Airport

Our flight gate

Pick up your boarding pass with your ID card, get on board at 9:55 in Xishuangbanna Kunming, take off at 10:20 on time, and arrive at Kunming airport at 11:20. After contacting us at the airport, we found guide Yang who was picking up the plane. At 12:20, we got on a small passenger and started our half day tour in Kunming. On the minibus, the guide introduced us to the first scenic spot: dongxisi pagoda. After having a look on the bus, we went directly to the second scenic spot: Jinma Biji square without getting off the bus. We were only given 10 minutes to take photos. We took a few photos in a hurry and got on the minibus,

Kunming Golden Horse

Biji in Kunming

Lunch at the botanical garden at 13:30. The third site: plant kingdom shopping starts at 14:10. The order of goods sold here is: flowers, jewelry, silverware, coffee, flower cake, Chinese herbal medicine, tea, fruit, flowers, tourist souvenirs, etc.

Get on the bus at 16:00 and take us to Wencheng hotel at 16:30.

We went out for dinner in the evening

November 25, 2014

At 5:20, CMB, the travel agency, came to pick us up to the airport. We were on the plane at 7:20. We were already quite nervous at this time. Moreover, the hotel is still far away from the airport. It's true that the leakage of the house was caused by continuous rain at night. The more urgent the accident, the more accident. At 5:40, which is just one third of the distance from the airport, the rear tire on one side of the CMB burst, He insisted on walking for a short time. Another tire burst and he couldn't walk completely. There were 10 people in the car. The other people's planes were all after 8 o'clock. It was 7:20 for the two of us. If the plane couldn't catch up, the 5-Day Tour in Hainan would be in disorder. We quickly asked the company to contact a taxi. In a short time, a taxi was called, The two of us were very busy getting on the bus with our suitcases. We arrived at Kunming airport at 6:20. According to the airport regulations, we had to get the boarding pass 40 minutes in advance. Fortunately, we got the boarding pass out and took the airport bus to board outside at 6:50,

Banna Airport

The plane took off at 7:28 and arrived at Haikou Meilan Airport at 9:20. After looking for a long time, there was no travel agent to pick up the plane. We called Wang Zhi of Shuangfeng travel agency in Qiqihar and found the receptionist. We got on the bus at 10:30 and took us to Hainan Binggong hotel at 11:20.

There are no tourist activities today.

Haikou Street View

Haikou vegetable market

November 26, 2014

At 7:50 on the tour bus, in Hainan we formed a large group, a total of 44 people.

Our bus

On the bus, guide Wang introduced to you the self funded projects we are going to participate in in these four days. Each person has to pay 650 yuan, and there are three meals: two fruit meals and one seafood meal. Each person has to pay 200 yuan. These three meals are optional. Arrive at the first scenic spot at 10:20: Boao temple. Inside are: Tonghui gate, Tianwang hall, Guanyin Pavilion, Daxiong hall, Wanfo pagoda and viewing platform. At 11:50, the whole group listens to the Buddhist monk chanting sutras. Then, they go to the Buddhist monk's room alone, taking the family as the unit. The Buddhist monk will see a doctor for you, let you cultivate public morality for yourself, and donate 330 yuan, 660 yuan, and 990 yuan for the temple. You volunteer. Then, there is a free release program, that is, a family leads a fish and releases it in the river.

the nine dragon wall

More than 800 of your bodhi trees

Wanfo pagoda


Releasing fish

Let the fish go

A place for fish

The annual International Conference of Boao Forum for Asia is held in the town of Boao where the sea is broad, the clouds are strange, the mountains are beautiful and the water is clear.

At 11:50, we boarded the cruise ship and got off at 12:00 to reach the second scenic spot: Yudai beach, which is not on the itinerary list. For 25 minutes, the west side of the beach is Wanquan River, and the east side is the sea. We chose several scenic spots to take photos as a souvenir and went on board.

Wanquan River

This is the sea


Wanquan River. Zhao Benshan spent 450000 US dollars to buy an "official finance house" here

The river on which the boat sails is the "Wanquan River". At 12:48, the boat leaves and at 13:30, it goes to jiayuanyuan for lunch.

Get on the tour bus at 13:50, and get to the third scenic spot at 14:50: Meimei Island, a 5A scenic spot "jiejiezhou island". There are more than 20 natural landscapes on jiejiezhou Island, such as "uncanny Craftsmanship", "big cave" and "Lantong Huayan". There are also unique marine entertainment projects, such as experience diving, reef diving, cliff diving, cave diving, sunken boat diving, undersea walking, Shanhu viewing boat, semi submarine, sea towed umbrella, sea motorboat, sea speedboat and Xiangjiao boat, Tourists can feel unprecedented novelty and excitement. Here, the upstream boats in Shanghai need to queue up. They leave at 15 o'clock and arrive at "jiejiezhou island" in 12 minutes. There is 50 minutes for them to visit, which is too short. Some scenic spots can't go at all. (the itinerary says 90 minutes, which should be enough). They leave the island by boat at 16:30.

deck chair


banana split

This stone is the "oath of the sea" stone

Big cave

Mannequin stone

Tropical fruits

Sea Cruise

Arrive at the fourth scenic spot at 17:00: "Sun Moon Bay" seaside, here for 20 minutes to take photos.

Behind me is the place to take wedding photos

I'll have dinner at Xinglong farm at 17:45,

At 18:20, I went to Kangle Grand Theater to watch "red artist performance", which is commonly known as "human demon performance". The performance started at 18:45, and the red artist performed for about 50 minutes. After that, I gave time to take photos with the red artist, 50 yuan each time. In Thailand, "red artists" are very difficult at home. When they are 2-3 years old, they are sent to professional places for training. They need to be injected with various hormones. Their average life span is between 45-50 years old. In China, there is a man to woman named Zhang Yuying. The performance lasts about 50 minutes and ends at 20:40 (self funded project, within 650 yuan).

Inside Kangle Grand Theater

"Red artists" are inviting tourists to take photos

"Red artist" is performing

Arrive at jinyindao hot spring hotel at 21:20, and go to Xiaoyu hot spring at 21:30 (self funded project, within 650 yuan),

My daughter-in-law and I are in Xiaoyu hot spring

Back to the hotel at 22:10.

November 27, 2014

Get on the coach at 7:10 and get to the first stop at 7:20: Wanning Xinglong Coffee Culture Expo Park. In the shopping place, the guide led us to the coffee classroom to taste the carbonic coffee, interesting coffee, etc,

Get on the tour bus at 8:22 and get to the second stop at 9:25: yetian ancient village to experience the original life scene of Hainan Miao family, experience the Millennium traditional handicraft and understand the silver culture. At the beginning of entering the ancient village, everyone took a picture, and when they came out, they voluntarily received 20 yuan each. Finally, they went to a room to introduce the Miao nationality's self-made medicine to treat various joint pain. The field test was 100 yuan per bottle.

Miao old people are weaving

Miao people

Miao girls

Miao craftsmen are making silver jewelry

We leave at 11:40, have lunch at 12:15, and arrive at the third scenic spot at 12:50. Nanwan Monkey Island, a national 4A scenic spot, is the only island type Macaque Nature Reserve in the world. To Monkey Island, you have to take a cableway car (self financed project, within 650 yuan). It is 2138 meters long and takes 10 minutes. This cableway car is much safer than the cableway car in Jiuxiang Cave. It takes four people to sit in a car. It is semi closed and has a sense of security. I saw two monkey performances on the island, one was a humorous performance, the other was an acrobatic performance. At 14:55, take the cableway back.

Macaques in nature reserves

Monkey humorous performance

Macaque detention place for making mistakes

Monkey acrobatics

Cableway car

We take the cableway

Get on the tour bus at 15:10, and arrive at the fourth stop at 16:15: Bamboo Boyuan shopping, which is full of bamboo products, daily necessities, daily necessities, tea, cups, etc. leave at 17:22, have dinner at 17:30 at Yalang hotel in Jiyang town of Sanya, get on the tour bus at 18:50, and arrive at Junda driving performance hall (self funded project, within 650 yuan), stunt performance of Italian automobile team The stunt performance of South Korean motorcycle team ends at 20:40.

We take pictures with the performers. It's free.

Check in at Qida business hotel at 21:45.

November 28, 2014

Get on the coach at 7:30 and get to the first stop at 8:20: "orchid world" shopping is selling all kinds of flowers.

At 10:15, I get on the coach and arrive at the second scenic spot at 10:30: Sanya "big and small caves", the first 5A scenic spot in China, is located in the southwest corner of Nanshan Mountain, 40 kilometers west of Sanya City, with a total area of 22.5 square kilometers. The scenic spot has a history of more than 800 years. With its beautiful sea view, mountain view and stone view, xiaodongtian scenic spot is known as the first scenic spot of QiongYa. In the scenic spot, there are still "xiaodongtian", "diaotai", "Haishan spectacle", "xianrenzu" and "shijianfeng" stone carvings of ancient poetry and prose. From April to September: 108 yuan per person in off-season, 130 yuan per person in peak season. Volunteer to go back and forth by battery car, 15 yuan per person.

"Big and small caves" ticket office

Little cave

There is no word "Bi" in Shoubi Nanshan. It needs two people to form the word "Bi". If one person goes, one person should help

Longevity is bigger than that of the old pines in Nanshan Mountain. Here is the "old pines"

We get on the coach at 12:30 and have lunch at 13:15 at Chunguang chunhuang cafeteria in Sanya. It's 38 yuan per person and we have to pay 10 yuan per person. The buffet is very good. There are pork, prawns, duck, fish balls, vegetables and other 15 kinds of vegetables, staple rice. I got on the tour bus at 13:50 and arrived at the third stop at 14:20: "Hainan dad tea" shopping, promoting tea. Leave at 15:30 and arrive at the fourth stop at 16:05: "ends of the earth" where the sea is clear and blue, the smoke is vast, the sails are shadowy, the coconut groves are whirling, the rocks stand in a forest, and the water and the sky are all the same. On the beach of the Bay, hundreds of large and small stones stand up, "Tianya stone", "Haijiao stone", "Sun Moon Stone" and "a pillar of the South sky" stand out in the meantime, holding their heads high and imposing. In the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty, Cheng Zhe, the governor of Yazhou (today's Sanya), engraved the word "Tianya" here. In 1938, Wang Yi, commander of QiongYa garrison, inscribed the word "Haijiao" on another huge stone. Since then, it has become a truly "Tianya Haijiao" and a world-famous scenic spot. We went to "Tianya" and "Haijiao", and took commemorative photos in the main landmark scenic spots

Tianyahaijiao ticket gate

This is what people call the end of the earth, the stone of the end of the earth

This is "a pillar of the South sky"

The same time

Love the ends of the earth, love forever

Individual and group travel notes of Yunnan and Hainan on the 15th

Hongxia Sun